Three reasons to think about when deciding if you should have an Engagement Session or not!
Ok! I know I’m seriously behind and I photographed this AMAZing couple last year in the Winter but I just HAD to share it with you! Meet Chris and Jordan! Jordan, oh you guys, she’s pretty much the most amazing human, the kind you want to be your friend forever and ever 🙂 We met […]
Doing a little late night work to get this post up for the amazing Groom and Bride to be on Saturday! WHHOOO! You guys I have waited for this wedding! I’m SOO pumped it’s finally here! It will be a stunning day at The Pine Hills Lodge! Rain, snow, sun or 30 degrees….nothing will keep it […]
Well, these two are becoming one tomorrow, and I can’t wait to capture it! Their energy is infectious. The love they have for one another is so tender. I’ve had to unscrew my jaw from smiles and laughter after both our initial consultation and their engagement session, and I can only imagine tomorrow will be […]